MATIJA DEDIĆ TRIO - 1. DAN - Split at Night Jazz Festival 2024

Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika | Split | 02.10.2024 | 20:30


25 €

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SLOBODNO SJEDENJE 20,00 € - 25,00 €



  1. VEČER



srijeda, 02. listopada 2024. u 20.30 sati


Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika (MHAS)

Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića 18, Split


Organizator: Udruga Split at Night

Peto izdanje Split at Night Jazz Festivala donosi tri potpuno različite jazz noći u magičnoj velikoj dvorani Muzeja hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika na Mejama. U prodaji je i festivalska ulaznica za sve tri večeri po cijeni od 45 eura. 


Matija Dedić - klavir / Zvonimir Šestak - kontrabas / Krunoslav Levačić - bubnjevi


Nakon punih godinu dana, Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika ponovno otvara vrata jazzu - povodom prve večeri Split at Night Jazz Festivala i koncerta proslavljenog hrvatskog jazz pijanista Matije Dedića, koji u Split dolazi sa svojim triom, gdje će izvoditi autorska djela - koja odražavaju njegov nadaleko prepoznatljiv stil.

Uz Matiju, koji iza sebe ima deset albuma i čak osam nagrada Porin, nastupit će Krunoslav Levačić, jedan od naših najrenomiranijih jazz bubnjara, desetljećima sveprisutan na europskoj jazz sceni, kao i virtuozni i jedan od najtraženijih hrvatskih kontrabasista - Zvonimir Šestak.

Matija je do sada surađivao s domaćim i svjetskim velikanima jazza, kao što su Marc Murphy Band, Patrizia Conte, David Gazarov, Gianni Basso, Miles Griffith, Onder Focan, Jean Louis Rassinfosse, Anca Parghel, Tommy Emmanuel, Lenny White, Kendrick Scott, Jim Madison, Jeff Ballard, Buster Williams, Larry Grenadier, Tamara Obrovac, Marek Patrman, Salvatore Maiore i mnogi drugi.



*Posjetitelji Festivala mogu koristiti uslugu besplatnog prijevoza električnim autobusom Javne ustanove za upravljanje Park šumom Marjan. Polazak u 19:30, 19:50 i 20:10 ispred Centra za posjetitelje JU, Trumbićeva obala 18. Molimo razumijevanje i prioritet za osobe s posebnim potrebama.


Program je podržan od strane: Grad Split / Ministarstvo kulture i medija RH / Splitsko-dalmatinska županija / Turistička zajednica grada Splita / Turistička zajednica Splitsko-dalmatinske županije / HDS Zamp / Marvie Hotel & Health / Restaurant Adriatic / Bajamonti Pizza Steak & Fish House / Bota Šare / Butter’s Artisan Bakery & Coffee Shop / Park Šuma Marjan / Dalmatinski Portal


Više informacija na:


Facebook Split at Night Jazz Festival 


Instagram Split at Night Jazz Festival







Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 - 8:30 PM


Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments

Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića 18, Split


Organized by: Udruga Split at Night

The 5th edition of the Split at Night Jazz Festival returns to the enchanting setting of the grand hall of the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments. This year’s lineup features some of Croatia’s top jazz talents, with award-winning artists spanning a range of jazz styles. 

A 3-day Festival ticket is also available for purchase at the price of 45 euros.

Matija Dedić - piano / Zvonimir Šestak - double bass / Krunoslav Levačić - drums


After a full year, the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments once again opens its doors to jazz for the 5th edition of Split at Night Jazz Festival! Under the enchanting lights of the Museum's grand hall, the festival will kick off with a performance by Croatia’s most renowned jazz pianist, Matija Dedić, recipient of numerous national and international awards. Matija will perform with his trio, playing original compositions that showcase his distinctive, widely acclaimed style.


Joining Matija, who has ten albums and an impressive eight Porin awards to his name, are two of Croatia's top jazz musicians: Krunoslav Levačić - legendary jazz drummer with decades of experience on the European jazz scene, and Zvonimir Šestak - virtuoso double bassist and one of the most in-demand musicians in the country.


Throughout his career, Matija has worked with both Croatian and international jazz greats, including the Marc Murphy Band, Patrizia Conte, David Gazarov, Gianni Basso, Miles Griffith, Onder Focan, Jean Louis Rassinfosse, Anca Parghel, Tommy Emmanuel, Lenny White, Kendrick Scott, Jeff Ballard, Buster Williams, Larry Grenadier, Tamara Obrovac, Marek Patrman, Salvatore Maiore, and many more.



*Festival attendees can use the free electric bus service provided by the Public Institution for the Management of Marjan Forest Park. Departures are scheduled for 19:30, 19:50, and 20:10 from the Visitor Center, Trumbićeva Obala 18. We kindly ask you to give priority to individuals with special needs.

For more info visit:


Facebook Split at Night Jazz Festival 


Instagram Split at Night Jazz Festival

MATIJA DEDIĆ TRIO - 1. DAN - Split at Night Jazz Festival 2024

Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika | Split | 02.10.2024 | 20:30


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