Duo Vermeer - Silvia Escamilla & Natan Zlodre, gitara

Hrvatski Dom Split | Split | 29.08.2023 | 20:00


15 €

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Duo Vermeer osnovali su gitaristica Silvia Escamilla (Španjolska) i gitarist Natan Zlodre (Hrvatska) 2022. godine. Dvoje glazbenika s bogatim koncertnim iskustvom i dobitnici raznih međunarodnih

nagrada i priznanja odlučili su spojiti svoja zanimanja i osobnosti tijekom magistarskog studija na Kraljevskom konzervatoriju u Haagu (Nizozemska), gdje redovito surađuju s profesorom Pavelom

Steidlom i pohađaju sate komorne glazbe kod profesora Zorana Dukića. Trenutno su polaznici Master studija komorne glazbe na Universität für Musik and darstellende Kunst u Grazu (Austrija)

u klasi profesora Petrita Çekua. Njihovi su glavni ciljevi istraživanje zvučnih karakteristika klasičnoga gitarističkoga dua, prenošenje njegove svijetle sposobnosti simbolične evokacije i donošenje originalnoga repertoara cijeloj publici i svim prostorima, od najtradicionalnijih početaka do suvremenih inovacija.


Silvia Escamilla Jiménez (Madrid, 1998) završila je preddiplomski studij klasične gitare (2020.) te magistarski studij izvođaštva i istraživanja španjolske glazbe (2021.) na Kraljevskom konzervatoriju glazbe u Madridu kod profesora Javiera Somoze. Također je s Cum Laude završila magistarski studij klasične gitare izvođaštva i istraživanja na Koninklijk Conservatorium-Royal Conservatoire na Sveučilištu umjetnosti u Haagu kod profesora Pavla Steidla (2022.). Održala je koncerte i majstorske tečajeve na festivalima u gradovima u Španjolskoj, Nizozemskoj, Njemačkoj, Švedskoj, Hrvatskoj, Slovačkoj i Sloveniji. Osvojila je nagrade na raznim međunarodnim natjecanjima za gitaru. Njezini istraživački članci, usmjereni na dijalog između tradicije i modernosti u glazbenoj kompoziciji, objavljeni su u specijaliziranim medijima poput časopisa Roseta, koji izdaje Španjolsko društvo gitare, i kataloga istraživanja Koninklijk Conservatorium Sveučilišta umjetnosti u Haagu. Dobila je nekoliko stipendija za akademsku izvrsnost i za postdiplomske studije u inozemstvu.



Natan Zlodre (1996.) počeo je svirati gitaru u klasi prof. Zorana Melvana pri OGŠ Jakova Gotovca u Sinju. Školovanje je nastavio u Glazbenoj školi Pavla Markovca u Zagrebu, u klasi prof. Xhevdeta Sahatxhije. Studirao je na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Splitu, u klasi prof. Gorana Listeša, te je počeo surađivati s prof. Lukaszom Kuropaczewskim (Poljska) kod kojega je i završio preddiplomski studij na prestižnoj Glazbenoj akademiji I. J.Paderewski u Poznanju. Magistrirao je 2022. godine na Kraljevskom konzervatoriju u Haagu (Nizozemska) u klasi prof. Pavela Steidla. Dobitnik je nagrade Matice hrvatske za koncert u sklopu Mladi u Matici hrvatskoj, nagrada na 17. međunarodnom natjecanju Glazbene mladeži za Lions Grand Prix, jedan je od nagrađenih u sklopu koncertnoga ciklusa mo. Vinko Lesić, dobitnik je 1. nagrade na 18. međunarodnom glazbenom natjecanju za Veliku nagradu Pariza za virtuoznost u Francuskoj (2019.). Dodijeljena mu je godišnja Nagrada mladom gitaristu Međunarodnog kluba Lions i Posebna Rektorova nagrada Sveučilišta u Splitu za umjetnička ostvarenja, jedan je od umjetnika platforme Open Strings Berlin (Njemačka), snimio je debitantski album Guitar Impressions za izdavačku kuću Orpheus Classical (SAD). Uz potporu Ministarstva Kulture i Medija RH održava koncertna gostovanja u Hrvatskoj. Debitantski nastup s orkestrom održao je 2020. uz orkestar Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Splitu. Gostovao je u emisijama Hrvatske radiotelevizije.


Duo Vermeer was founded by guitarists Silvia Escamilla (Spain) and Natan Zlodre (Croatia) in 2022. Two musicians with extensive concert experience and winners of various international awards and recognitions decided to combine their professions and personalities during their master's studies at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague (Netherlands), where they regularly collaborate with Professor Pavel Steidl and attend chamber music lessons with Professor Zoran Dukić. They are currently attending the Master of Chamber Music at the Universität für Musik and darstellende Kunst in Graz (Austria) in the class of Professor Petrit Çeku. Their main goals are to explore the sound characteristics of the classic guitar duo, convey its bright ability of symbolic evocation and bring original repertoire to the entire audience and to all venues, from the most traditional beginnings to contemporary innovations. Duo Vermeer performs works that represent different artistic influences and different historical periods, offering a panoramic view of the performance and development of composition from the Baroque to the present day.

Silvia Escamilla Jiménez (Madrid, 1998) completed her undergraduate studies in classical guitar (2020) and her master's studies in Spanish music performance and research (2021) at the Royal

Conservatory of Music in Madrid under Professor Javier Somoza. She also completed with Cum Laude a master's degree in classical guitar performance and research at the Koninklijk Conservatorium-Royal Conservatoire at the University of the Arts in The Hague under professor Pavle Steidl (2022). She gave concerts and master classes at festivals in cities in Spain, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Croatia, Slovakia and Slovenia. She has won prizes at various international guitar competitions. Her research articles, focused on the dialogue between tradition and modernity in musical composition, have been published in specialized media such as the magazine Roseta, published by the Spanish Guitar Society, and the research catalog of the Koninklijk Conservatorium of the University of the Arts in The Hague. She received several scholarships for academic excellence and for postgraduate studies abroad.

Natan Zlodre (1996) started playing the guitar in the class of prof. Zoran Melvan at OGŠ Jakov Gotovac in Sinj. He continued his education at the Music School of Pavel Markovac in Zagreb, in the class of prof. Xhevdet Sahatxhija. He studied at the Art Academy in Split, in the class of prof. Goran Listeš, and started collaborating with prof. Lukasz Kuropaczewski (Poland), with whom he completed his undergraduate studies at the prestigious I. J. Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. He received his master's degree in 2022 at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague (Netherlands) in the class of prof. Pavel Steidl. He is the winner of the Matica Hrvatska award for a concert as part of the Youth in Matica Hrvatska, an award at the 17th International Music Youth Lions Grand Prix competition, he is one of the awardees within the concert cycle mo. Vinko Lesić, winner of the 1st prize at the 18th international music competition for the Grand Prix of Paris for virtuosity in France (2019). He was awarded the annual Young Guitarist Award of the International Lions Club and the Special Rector's Award of the University of Split for artistic achievements, he is one of the artists of the Open Strings Berlin (Germany) platform, he recorded the debut album

Guitar Impressions for the publishing house Orpheus Classical (USA). With the support of the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, he holds guest concerts in Croatia. He gave his debut performance with the orchestra in 2020 with the orchestra of the Croatian National Theater in Split. He was a guest on Croatian Radio and Television broadcasts.


Duo Vermeer - Silvia Escamilla & Natan Zlodre, gitara

Hrvatski Dom Split | Split | 29.08.2023 | 20:00


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