UGO ORLANDI, mandolina & GIACOMO FERRARI, klavir

Hrvatski Dom Split | Split | 28.08.2023 | 20:00


15 €

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Ugo Orlandi, profesor je mandoline na Konzervatoriju G.Verdi u Milanu. Rođen u Bresci 1958., glazbeno je odrastao u Centru za glazbeno obrazovanje mladih Brescie gdje je započeo studij mandoline i trube. Od 1975. pohađa tečaj mandoline kod Giuseppea Aneddea na Konzervatoriju u Padovi, gdje istodobno stječe i diplomu trube. Zainteresiran za ranu glazbu i muzikološka istraživanja, posvetio se proučavanju korneta i prirodne trublje, produbljujući proučavanje i istraživanje povijesnoga repertoara mandoline. S Claudiom Scimoneom i njegovim komornim orkestrom Solisti Veneti obišao je cijeli svijet sudjelujući na festivalima u Salzburgu, Montreauxu, Edinburghu, Mostly Mozart u New Yorku, te Le Prestige de la Musique u Parizu. Također je surađivao s komornim ansamblom Solisti Aquilani, Wiener Kammerkonzerte, Berliner
Philarmoniker, Sergiom Vartolom, Jordijem Savallom, Zubinom Mehtom i Claudiom Abbadom.

Giacomo Ferrari rođen je 1985. godine u Milanu. Vrlo rano pokazuje zanimanje za glazbu te sa šest godina započinje s učenjem klavira.
Na Konzervatoriju Giuseppe Verdi u Milanu, 2006. godine, diplomira preddiplomski studij glasovira s postignutim maksimalnim ocjenama u klasi prof. Danielea Lombardija. Za vrijeme preddiplomskog studija,
paralelno s glasovirskim smjerom, pohađa tri godine i smjer čembalo u klasi prof. Ruggera Laganà. S izvrsnim uspjehom i maksimalnim ocjenama završava diplomski studij 2008. godine te stječe zvanje Magistra
glasovira (smjer komorna glazba). Njegujući zanimanja za sve žanrove glazbe, dvije godine studira i jazz glazbu pohađajući Civico Corso di Jazz pod vodstvom prof. Marija Rusca. Godine 2009. polaže prijemni na Manhattan School u New Yorku gdje biva primljen kao stipendist. Od 2014. godine radi kao korepetitor na Konzervatoriju G. Verdi u Milanu. Godine 2019. djeluje kao jedan od službenih korepetitora na Međunarodnom natjecanju Società Umanitaria te na natjecanju Concorso Internazionale Città di Palmanova od 2022. godine. Od 2017. do 2022. godine dirigira mandolinskim orkestrom Mandolinisti Bustesi.
Održao je niz koncerata kao solist i u različitim komornim sastavima u Italiji i inozemstvu (Mađarska, Slovačka, Crna Gora, Grčka, Poljska). U koncertnoj dvorani University of Music Fryderyk Chopin u Varšavi 2014. godine nastupa u duo sastavu s mandolinistom Raffaeleom La Ragioneom, s kojim 2015. godine izdaje CD pod nazivom Serenata Napoletana, dok 2019. godine izlazi njihov drugi nosač zvuka Margola – Music for mandolin and other chamber music, oba pod okriljem diskografske kuće Brilliant Classics.


Ugo Orlandi is a mandolin professor at the G.Verdi Conservatory in Milan. Born in Brescia in 1958, he grew up musically in the Brescian Youth Center of Music Education where he began studying the mandolin and trumpet. Since 1975 he has attended the mandolin course, held by Giuseppe Anedda, at the Padua Conservatory where he simultaneously obtained the trumpet diploma. Interested in early music and musicological research, he dedicated himself to the study of the cornetto and the natural trumpet, deepening the study and research of the historical repertoire of the mandolin. With Claudio Scimone and his chamber orchestra Solisti Veneti he toured all over the world participating in the Festivals of Salzburg, Montreaux, Edinburgh, Mostly Mozart in New York, Le Prestige de la Musique in Paris. He has also collaborated with the chamber ensemble Solisti Aquilani, the Wiener Kammerkonzerte, the Berliner Philarmoniker, Sergio Vartolo, Jordi Savall, Zubin Mehta and Claudio Abbado.

Giacomo Ferrari was born in 1985 in Milan. He showed interest in music very early and started learning the piano at the age of six. At the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan, in 2006, he graduated from undergraduate studies in piano with the highest grades in the class of prof. Daniele Lombardi. During his undergraduate studies, in parallel with the piano major, he attended the harpsichord major in the class of prof. Ruggera Laganà. With excellent success and maximum grades, he completed his graduate studies in 2008 and obtained the title of Master of Piano (chamber music major). Cultivating interest in all genres of music, he also studied jazz music for two years attending the Civico Corso di Jazz under the guidance of prof. Marija Rusca. In 2009, he took the entrance exam at the Manhattan School in New York, where he was accepted as a scholar. Since 2014, he has been working as an accompanist at the G. Verdi Conservatory in Milan. In 2019, he acts as one of the official accompanists at the Società Umanitaria International Competition and at the Concorso Internazionale Città di Palmanova competition from 2022. From 2017 to 2022, he conducts the mandolin orchestra Mandolinisti Bustesi. He gave a number of concerts as a soloist and in various chamber ensembles in Italy and abroad (Hungary, Slovakia, Montenegro, Greece, Poland). In the concert hall of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw in 2014, he performed in a duo with mandolinist Raffaele La Ragione, with whom he released a CD called Serenata Napoletana in 2015., while in 2019 their second album Margola – Music for mandolin and other chamber music was released, both under the auspices of the record label Brilliant Classics.

UGO ORLANDI, mandolina & GIACOMO FERRARI, klavir

Hrvatski Dom Split | Split | 28.08.2023 | 20:00


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