Retrospektiva - Retrospective

PROKURATIVE | Split | 29.06.2023 | 21:00


35 € | 30 € | 25 € | 60 €

Pretprodaja ulaznica


Prodaja ulaznica


Sektori Pretprodaja Prodaja Na dan
PARTER 1.kategorija - Floor 1st Category - 30,00 € 35,00 €
PARTER 2.kategorija - Floor 2nd Category - 25,00 € 30,00 €
PARTER 3.kategorija - Floor 3rd Category - 20,00 € 25,00 €
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Drugi vikend Splitskog festivala 2023. započinje uz večer Retrospektive i koncert Jazz orkestra HRT-a koji će pod ravnanjem Mirona Hausera izvesti petnaest skladbi iz festivalske arhive.

Kroz povijest splitskih festivala svojim će nas zanimljivim interpretacijama provesti Ana Uršula Najev, Max Hozić, Mario Huljev, Elena Stella, Sabrina Hebiri, Ana Opačak i Helena Gudelj.


Lista izvedbi:




Don't miss the start of the second weekend of our festival, featuring the Retrospective concert by the HRT Jazz Orchestra. Under the direction of Miron Hauser, the orchestra will perform fifteen compositions from the festival archive, taking the audience on a journey through the festival’s rich history.


The talented voices of Ana Uršula Najev, Max Hozić, Mario Huljev, Elena Stella, Sabrina Hebiri, Ana Opačak and Helena Gudelj will offer their unique interpretations, breathing new life into old favorites.


Secure your spot today and see you at Prokurative!




Retrospektiva - Retrospective

PROKURATIVE | Split | 29.06.2023 | 21:00

Najbolje od Splitskih festivala

Ulaz otvoren od 20:00

The Best of Split Festival

Doors open at 20:00


Pretprodaja ulaznica


Prodaja ulaznica
