Najtrofejnija hrvatska reprezentacija, nalipši grad na svitu i sport koji je stvorio divove. Uzbuđenje igre u vodi, znatiženja za onim što se događa ispod površine, fasciniranost fizičkim sposobnostima i vještini vaterpolista – to je ono što ujedinuje sve ljubitelje vaterpola u svijetu!
Pridružite nam se na 35. LEN Europskom prvenstvu u vaterpolu, podržite naše barakude i osjetite najbolje što vaterpolo može ponuditi u srcu Splita, kolijevci ovog sporta u Hrvatskoj!
Ulaznice za sve utakmice prvenstva možete kupiti niže.
Detaljan raspored natjecanja možete pronaći na službenim stranicama ovdje.
Za više informacija, molimo kontaktirati
There is no community quite like that of the water polo world. What connects us is the excitement for the game, the curiosity to spot what really goes on beneath the surface, the admiration for physical abilities and skills player show from the first to the last minute. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of what expect us on the 35th LEN European Water Polo Championships in Split.
Join us in the prettiest and most sporty city in the world, the jewel of the Adriatic Sea, the cradle of Croatian water polo, at the festival of competence, passion and beauty of our beloved sport.
Find your desired tickets below and and experience water polo in Split!
You can find detailed competition schedule on the official website here.
Fore more information, please contact